The Waterford Graded School District is thrilled to announce our partnership with the Mukwonago YMCA to provide onsite Before/After School Care and 4K Wrap Around Care for the 2023-24 school year.
The 4K Wrap Around program will be offered for all 4K WGSD students and will be located at Evergreen Elementary. As a convenience to families, a shuttle service will be provided for transporting students in 4K (Y Base) Wrap Care to and from Evergreen Elementary. Please note for 4K Wrap Care, 4K AM/PM assignments have not been finalized. While registering for 4K Wrap Care, please select the appropriate number of days (2 days, 3 days, or 5 days) and select AM or PM. The AM/PM will be adjusted accordingly once assignments are completed by WGSD.
To start click here for more information, and note that monthly prices are listed here as well.
To register click on the “Forms” option under “4K Wrap Care”
Once completed, registration forms can be submitted to the Mukwonago Y Business Desk or via email to
The Before/After School Care (Y BASE) program will be offered at each of our elementary school locations (Evergreen, Trailside, and Woodfield) from 6:00 am to 8:40 am and 3:40 pm to 6:00 pm, each day school is in session.
To start click here for more information, and note that bi-weekly prices are listed here as well.
To register click on the “Forms” option under “Y BASE”
Once completed, registration forms can be submitted to the Mukwonago Y Business Desk or via email to
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Brittany Callies, Associate Executive Director, at or